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The Ledge #658: New Releases Pt. 1

It's that time of the months once again - new release night! And once again, it's a two part extravaganza! This week features the usual Ledge mix of power pop, punk, garage, and a little trace of Americana! CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SHOW!   1. Tom Whillock - The Hard Way 2. Brad Marino - Girl, I Want You 3. Brad Marino - Lucy (Alternate Version) 4. Miss Georgia Peach - Baby Ride Easy 5. Miss Georgia Peach - I Don't Care (Just As Long As You Love Me) 6. Geoff PALMER - Exit Wounds 7. Geoff PALMER - Bye Bye Baby 8. Dave Strong - Murder in the Brady House 9. johnny Batchelor - Bad Mood Bad Groove 10. johnny Batchelor - Watching the Detectives 11. The Needmores - Lookin' 12. Autogramm - Randy (Don't Screw Up) 13. OUTTACONTROLLER - Cheap Pop 14. Jim Basnight - So F'd Up 15. Walter Daniels and the Del Valle Trustees - Instrument Of Losers 16. Ravagers - Razor Love 17. Ravagers - Right To Kill 18. The Vapors - The Human Race 19. The Peawees - Don't Look Back 20. Th...

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